About Grace Community Assembly

  Grace Community Assembly
  3101 Gretna Rd
  Branson, MO 65737
  (417) 336-2422

  Sunday Worship:  10:00am
  Sunday Children’s Ministry:  10:00am
  Wednesday:  6:30pm

Join us Sundays & Wednesdays for worship and teaching. Classes are available through 6th Grade on Sunday Mornings and Royal Rangers, MPact, and Evidence Youth Ministries meet along with an adult bible study on Wednesday nights.

Nursery care is provided on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Our Staff

Pastor John Jackson

Lead Pastor

Pastor Jennifer Jackson

Associate Pastor

Pastor Michael Stewart

Assistant Pastor

Pastor Allen Asbury

Associate Pastor over Worship

Pastor Brock Lockhart

Youth Pastor

Dr Berl Best



What are we all about?


We believe God calls his church to fulfill his command to reach the whole earth with the good news of Jesus Christ, and that is why we make every effort to carry that message to everyone.


As we reach people with the message of Christ, we must each take our role in bringing new members of the body into spiritual health. We all play a role in restoring people.


The commission of Jesus was to teach others the things that he taught. We believe people are transformed by the living Word of God.


We fulfill our responsibility to Christ’s commission by sending and going. We send missionaries around the world, and we equip our people to go to their place of calling as well.

Grace Community Assembly is an Assemblies of God church and we agree with and abide by the fundamental truths of the Assemblies of God.

A Heart for God

We are passionate about our relationship with our heavenly Father, His Word, His presence, worshiping Him with all our might, living a life that honors His name, releasing gifts and anything that lifts Him up for the world to see.

A Heart for People

We are passionate about loving people right where they are, serving them the way Jesus would, not judging but extending grace, making our church an engaging place to be, always believing the best about others, showing hospitality, making a real effort to get to know everyone, developing people’s gifts and pointing them to the One who loves them most.

A People for the World

We are passionate about partnering with others of like faith to reach this world with the power of God, giving of our resources to missions at home and around the world, creating opportunities on an annual basis for people to go and use their gifts to minister the gospel and build ministries and programs that focus on purpose and destiny.


Grace Community Assembly is an Assembly of God Church in Branson, Missouri. Our goal is to equip families for ministry to each-other and outreach to the needy and lost in our community.

Grace Community Assembly
3101 Gretna Rd
Branson, MO 65616
(417) 336-2422
Sunday Worship:  10:00am
Sunday Children’s Ministry:  10:00am
Wednesday:  6:30pm
© 2025 .  All Rights Reserved.